Prof. Sato and M2 Matsuoka gave a tutorial talk at the Design Automation Conference (DAC) held in San Francisco, CA, USA, July 10-14, 2022, on “FHE Circuit Construction and Synthesis” at Design Automation Conference (DAC). (Tutorial was July 11)
Prof. Sato and M2 Matsuoka gave a tutorial talk at the Design Automation Conference (DAC) held in San Francisco, CA, USA, July 10-14, 2022, on “FHE Circuit Construction and Synthesis” at Design Automation Conference (DAC). (Tutorial was July 11)
The following paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). This is an international collaborative paper with the University of Notre Dame, IBM, Beihan University, Fudan University, and other universities in the United States.
Prof. Hashimoto gave an invited talk at the International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC) held in San Jose, California on 6/27-30, 2022.
“Via-switch FPGA with Transistor-free Programmability”
The following papers have been accepted for presentation at European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) 2022.
K. Ito, H. Itsuji, T. Uezono, T. Toba, M. Itoh, and M. Hashimoto, “Constructing Application-Level GPU Error Rate Model with Neutron Irradiation Experiment,” European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), to appear.
This is the result of research by Ito, a master’s degree graduate of Osaka University, in collaboration with Hitachi, Ltd. and Tohoku University.
S. Abe, M. Hashimoto, W. Liao, T. Kato, H. Asai, K. Shimbo, H. Matsuyama, T. Sato, K. Kobayashi, and Y. Watanabe, “A Terrestrial SER Estimation Methodology with Simulation and Single-Source Irradiation Applicable to Diverse Neutron Sources,” European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), to appear.
This is a research result of the OPERA project, an industry-academia collaboration, and is a joint paper with Japan Atomic Energy Agency, the University of Tokyo, Socionext, HIREC, Hitachi, Ltd, Kyoto Institute of Technology, and Kyushu University.
M. Kamibayashi, K. Kobayashi, and M. Hashimoto, “Single Bit Upsets Versus Burst Errors of Stacked-Capacitor DRAMs Induced by High-Energy Neutron -SECDED Is No Longer Effective-,” Proceedings of European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), to appear.
This is the result of joint research with Kyoto Institute of Technology and will be presented at the Data Workshop.
The following paper has been accepted for publication in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP). This is a progress review article associated with the plenary talk given by Prof. Hashimoto at International Conference on Memristive Materials, Devices & Systems (MEMRISYS) 2021.
M. Hashimoto, X. Bai, N. Banno, M. Tada, T. Sakamoto, J. Yu, R. Doi, H. Onodera, T. Imagawa, H. Ochi, K. Wakabayashi, Y. Mitsuyama, and T. Sugibayashi, “Via-Switch FPGA with Transistor-Free Programmability Enabling Energy-Efficient Near-Memory Parallel Computation,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, in press,
The following paper has been accepted for presentation at the EPE 2022 ECCE Europe conference (EPE) 2022, an international conference related to power electronics to be held in September 2022.
This is the result of joint research with Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) and Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT).
The paper below has been accepted for 65th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS2022).
T. Tanaka, R. Shirai, and M. Hashimoto, “DC Magnetic Field-Based Analytical Localization Robust to Known Stationary Magnetic Object,” in Proceedings of 65th IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, to appear.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K17867.
The following paper was also accepted for publication, which is the result of CREST “Computing Technology Based on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Photonic Neural Networks,” a joint research project with Osaka University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Kyushu University.
M. Tanaka, J. Yu, M. Nakagawa, N. Tate, and M. Hashimoto, “Investigating Small Device Implementation of FRET-Based Optical Reservoir Computing,” in Proceedings of International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), to appear.
Assistant Prof. Shirai received “Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher” from Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices, regarding the presentation below (2022/5/10).
Assistant Prof. Shirai gave a poster presentation at LSI and systems workshop 2022 held in Hybrid (Online + On-site (Tokyo, Japan)) from May 9 to 10th, 2021. (Presentation date: 9th)
R. Shirai, M. Hashimoto,“3Dディスプレイ向け極小水中発光デバイスへの無線給電・制御技術,” LSI and systems workshop. (in Japanese)
This presentation is awarded and Assistant Prof. Shirai received “Best poster award” from Technical Committee on Integrated Circuits and Devices, IEICE.
Assistant prof. Shirai gave a demo presentation at ACM IUI 2022 held online from Mar. 21 to 25, 2022.
R. Shirai and M. Hashimoto, “Shape-Flexible Underwater Display System with Wirelessly Powered and Controlled Smart LEDs,” in 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’22 Companion), pp. 89–92, March 2022.