At Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2025) held at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) in Japan from January 20 to January 23, 2025, the following members made presentation:

  • Masanori Hashimoto, Ryuichi Yasuda, Kazusa Takami, Yuibi Gomi, Kozo Takeuchi, “ML-assisted SRAM Soft Error Rate Characterization: Opportunities and Challenges,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.379-384, January 2025.
  • Tomonari Tanaka, Takumi Uezono, Kohei Suenaga, Masanori Hashimoto, “Hardware Error Detection with In-Situ Monitoring of Control Flow-Related Specifications,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.966-973, January 2025.
  • Takuma Kawakami, Takashi Sato, Hiromitsu Awano, “Random Telegraph Noise Observed on 65-nm Bulk pMOS Transistors at 3.8K,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.1438-1443, January 2025.

Additionally, the following poster presentations were made during the co-located Work-in-Progress session:

  • Masami Utsunomiya, Hiroya Murata, Hiromitsu Awano, Takashi Sato, “Hardware Reservoir Using Transistor Variation Based on a 180nm Node Prototype Chip.”
  • Wakahiro Ohara, Takashi Sato, Hiromitsu Awano, “Cryo-CMOS Surface Code Decoder for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computers.”
  • Ryuichi Yasuda, Kazusa Takami, Yuibi Gomi, Kozo Takeuchi, Masanori Hashimoto, “Event-Wise Accurate Single-Event Upset Discrimination with Active Learning and Adaptive Hyperparameter Tuning.”

The first poster presentation received the Poster Award, and the second poster presentation won the Best Poster Award.

Paper accepted at CICC 2025

The following paper has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) 2025. We will be presenting our findings in Boston in April.

Q. Cheng, Q. Li, W. Dong, M. Zhang, R. Zhang, M. Huang, H. Yu, Y. Shi, H. Awano, T. Sato, L. Lin, and M. Hashimoto, “A 22nm Resource-Frugal Hyper-Heterogeneous Multi-Modal System-On-Chip Towards In-Orbit Computing,” Proceedings of IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), to appear.