2022年10月24日〜10月25日に弘前市で開催されたWorkshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (SASIMI2022)にて,本研究室の一柳,瀬川がポスター発表を行いました(発表日は一柳が24日,瀬川が25日).

  • Y. Hitotsuyanagi and T. Sato, “SNRoverSDNN: A Metric for robust CNN-based ROI selection in remote heart rate extraction,” in Proc. Workshop on synthesis and system integration of mixed information technologies (SASIMI), pp.8-13, October 2022.
  • N. Segawa and T. Sato, “Evaluating accuracy of quantum circuit learning via quantum circuit mapping,” in Proc. Workshop on synthesis and system integration of mixed information technologies (SASIMI), pp.204-209, October 2022.
(佐藤、新津、橋本研 / Sato, Niitsu, Hashimoto Lab.)