
以下の論文が、2024年7月に米国カリフォルニア州San Franciscoで開催予定のDesign Automation Conference (DAC) に採択されました。

  • Takefumi Koike, Hiromitsu Awano, and Takashi Sato, “Triplet network-based DNA encoding for enhanced similarity image retrieval,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), July 2024, to appear. (regular paper acceptance ratio: 23%)
  • Quan Cheng, Qiufeng Li, Longyang Lin, Wang Liao, Liuyao Dai, Hao Yu and Masanori Hashimoto, “How accurately can soft error impact be estimated in black-box/white-box cases? — a case study with an edge AI SoC –, July 2024, to appear. (regular paper acceptance ratio: 23%)



日時:2024年2月19日(月) 13:00-14:00, 14:00-15:00, 15:00-16:00 (3回とも同内容)
集合場所: 総合研究9号館北棟 1階N1講義室



2024年1月22日~1月25日に韓国インチョン広域市で開催された Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2024)において、以下のメンバーが研究成果の発表を行いました。

  • Kunihiro Oshima, Kazunori Kuribara, and Takashi Sato, “Design of aging-robust clonable PUF using organic thin-film transistors and insulator-based ReRAM,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.165-170, January 2024.
  • Kotaro Matsuoka, Song Bian, and Takashi Sato, “HOGE: Homomorphic gates on a chip,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.325-332, January 2024.
  • Kohei Suemitsu, Kotaro Matsuoka, Takashi Sato, and Masanori Hashimoto, “Logic locking over TFHE for securing user data and algorithms,” in Proc. ACM/IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), pp.600-605, January 2024.

また、”Toward Robust Neural Network Computation on Emerging Crossbar-based Hardware and Digital Systems”というチュートリアルを橋本先生がYiyu Shi先生(University of Notre Dame)と行いました。

VLSI-DAT 2024 採録決定

張特定助教の国際会議発表論文が、International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT)に採択されました。

Project.Zhang’s paper is accepted to International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT) !

Ruilin Zhang, Yangjun Xiao, Jiawei Liu, Xingyu Wang, Shufan Xu, Kunyang Liu, Shinichi Nishizawa, Kiichi Niitsu and Hirofumi Shinohara, “A Latch-based Stochastic Number Generator for Stochastic Computing of Extended Naïve Bayesian Network”